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iOS Sonos controller network issue when Cisco Security Connector is running


Hi community


is there a solution planned or provided in the iOS Sonos controller app regarding proper network sources integration when cisco security connector is running on the device?

many thanks for your kind help and best regards






Beste Antwort von flox23

works now with IOS 14 and Sonos S2


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27 Antworten

  • Sonos Mitarbeiter
  • 158 Antworten
  • 20. Dezember 2019
Michael_15 schrieb:

Hi community


is there a solution planned or provided in the iOS Sonos controller app regarding proper network sources integration when cisco security connector is running on the device?

many thanks for your kind help and best regards







Hello Michael.

We are aware of an issue with the Cisco security connector and trying to find a solution.

Unfortunately, at the moment we have no update on progress nor time frame and need to ask for a wee more patience.




  • Novize
  • 4 Antworten
  • 23. Dezember 2019

Would be also very much interested in progress on this issue. Having the same problem with my company iPhone where my company forces an installation of cisco security connector on the device.

Best regards,


  • 6763 Antworten
  • 23. Dezember 2019

That’s the issue, I suppose. With the Cisco Security Connector installed on a corporate phone there might be some legal restrictions that Sonos is not at liberty to circumnavigate.

  • Novize
  • 3 Antworten
  • 15. April 2020

Having the same issue with my iPhone XS with Cisco Umbrella installed.

This link suggests Sonos to take action:

This issue will require a resolution from the Sonos side. Please contact Sonos support to add your support for a resolution.”

Please advise.

Best regards




  • 6763 Antworten
  • 15. April 2020

I advise to use an iOS device that is actually yours rather than a corporate phone.

  • Novize
  • 3 Antworten
  • 15. April 2020

Thanks very much. When will Sonos provide a fix/solution for the issue?

  • 6763 Antworten
  • 15. April 2020
dominikh schrieb:

Thanks very much. When will Sonos provide a fix/solution for the issue?


I’m not an employee but there is no Sonos issue. Your iPhone is practically locked down, and the traffic is being monitored in order to prevent security breaches.

  • Novize
  • 3 Antworten
  • 15. April 2020

This information has been shared two weeks ago from CIsco suggesting Sonos to take action:

This issue will require a resolution from the Sonos side. Please contact Sonos support to add your support for a resolution.”


Can someone from Sonos comment on this please?

  • Novize
  • 3 Antworten
  • 19. April 2020

Come on Sonos fix that problem. 

  • 6763 Antworten
  • 19. April 2020

I imagine providing a “fix” would require bypassing the Cisco Security Connector, which would put Sonos in serious legal trouble.

  • Novize
  • 3 Antworten
  • 19. April 2020

How Do you know? I bet it is some quick and dirty implementation that needs to be fixed by Sonos. Cisco does not lock down the device. It just makes sure there are no shortcuts taken. 

  • Auffällig
  • 29 Antworten
  • 9. Juni 2020

Ist has Bern clear figured out that the traffic was passed through Cisco but it has also shown that the sonos app cannot handle this scenario. Many other Apps work securely with Cisco so i do not understand why sonos can‘t solve it! It‘s not a question of Corporate or Private phone because no company is used to maintain Cisco Infrastructure to Block Sonos…


but it is as many other threads also show always the same with Sonos-Problem found and understood but to be solved either by the customer or by the „other“… If Sonos would be more customer centric than such an issue would not be there anymore after 6+ months - Sonos S1 and Sonos S2 does also not fix this issue…

  • Novize
  • 1 Antwort
  • 11. Juni 2020

It is a nightmare what Sonos is doing here. Far away of being customer centric. As no other app has such issues except Sonos i do not get why they even do not inform on a roadmap by when this will be fixed. 
More than 6 months ago i had calls wirh Sonos for about an hour and the support was even not aware on the issue with Cisco Security app... 


Sonos is certainly a high price product with a low level support! Great combination…. helps to loose customers…..



  • 6763 Antworten
  • 11. Juni 2020

  • Auffällig
  • 29 Antworten
  • 11. Juni 2020

Or buy just another Sound system that is able to handle secure DNS…...@Greta - that’s not an answer that customer’s of sonos expect!!


Of course Sonos is one of the best solutions but saying that your customer’s should change their behavior of phone usage just because Sonos isn’t able to handle a “well known” DNS topics isn’t rather what i expect of high-end and hiigh-cost equipment.. 

I think Ferrari wasn’t able to establish such a customer experience with saying them “…. build your own street that so that the build in suspension will work”


It’s really unbelievable that you came with such answers - that’s not customer centric and not what we expect!!


I’m not going to buy another 1.000€+ Phone just because Sonos!!! Rather doing that i would spend the money for some other sound systems!!



  • 6763 Antworten
  • 11. Juni 2020

You don’t need to. I’ve got an iPod Touch 6 set up acting as remote control for the TV set, Sonos, the Apple TV, the Blurayplayer and YouTube.

  • Novize
  • 6 Antworten
  • 9. Juli 2020

I was told by my employer that there will be a fix coming from Sonos on July 21st.


@Greta A. A lot of people (including myself) don’t own a personal phone anymore. I only have my company phone and nothing else.

  • Novize
  • 1 Antwort
  • 30. Juli 2020

Any news on if and when the update will be coming to Sonos to work around this problem?

  • Novize
  • 2 Antworten
  • 30. August 2020

Hi Sonos Developers:: Any news when Sonos will provide an actually thought-through and functioning solution for using Sonos with a company phone?  Sending the user back to buy other devices is not the solution. 

From what I can tell from the conversation above: your customers, me included, are getting pissed off with an answer that sounds like a broken record. 

Come on, Sonos development: it is also not fair to let your customer support folks like @Greta A.  sending out lame excuses to us customers because they don’t know what else to tell us. How do you think that makes your support folks feel? They get the brunt of the frustration from us while trying to buy time for you guys. Now it is on you to re-prioritize your development capacities and deliver a solution! 

@Greta A.: we know that you are the messenger and we get that you cannot tell us anything else right now with the current guidance from development, however we ask you to escalate this issue back to development again, again and again with a different level of importance and urgency and until we have a working solution. It is not acceptable that Sonos fails while other apps can run and no troubles whatsoever with Cisco Security connector. You get that, I am sure, right?  
It is super embarrassing for Sonos and also super arrogant to dismiss us all if you keep doing that. We don’t want to be talked to like morons. You wouldn’t want to be treated like that if you were one of us. 


  • Novize
  • 3 Antworten
  • Antwort
  • 24. September 2020

works now with IOS 14 and Sonos S2


  • Novize
  • 2 Antworten
  • 24. September 2020

Hurray!!!   And I can confirm it!  

  • Auffällig
  • 29 Antworten
  • 29. September 2020

Dear all, it seems after ages (at least it feels like that) the issue got fixed and you can use the Sonos S2 with Cisco Security!!


It would be really customer centric if such an bug will be fixed faster than having such senseless conversations - especially from @Greta A. .. And due it is a security bug it hurts much more!!


And it took at least 9+ month to get that fixed which shows how mature and professional SONOS acts on the market….


I think i’ll switch to KEF although they are much more expensive - but if i compare the price from Sonos and what i get from them - it could not be more worse with KEF than with SONOS..


  • Novize
  • 3 Antworten
  • 1. November 2020

Again it doesńt work anymore. I used to love Sonos right from their first product launch; but now it is becoming a pain in the … sorry to say.

  • 6763 Antworten
  • 1. November 2020

So, ich wechsle jetzt ins Deutsche.


Damit hätte man rechnen müssen, dass ein Update des Cisco Security Connectors die Freigabe wieder rückgängig macht. Wenn ihr Glück habt, ist es kein großer Umstand, die Sonosapp an die neue API anzupassen, ohne dass die Rechtsabteilungen von Cisco, Apple und Sonos wieder monatelang über die Bedingungen verhandeln müssen.

  • Novize
  • 3 Antworten
  • 1. November 2020

Ist es nicht eine Frage der Perspektive, wer womit rechnen muss? Der Anbieter oder der Kunde? 

Cisco ist kein kleiner Player im Security-Markt, und immer mehr Unternehmen erlauben ihren Mitarbeitern ihr Smartphone privat zu nutzen. Schadet sicher nicht, wenn Sonos eine engere Zusammenarbeit mit Cisco sucht. 

Im Moment würde ich niemandem Sonos empfehlen. Und bei mir ist es wohl eine Frage der Zeit bis die Schmerzgrenze erreicht ist und ich auf ein anderes System umsteige.


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